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Think Pink

Arab War Risk Insurance Syndicate, in cooperation with the University Medical Center – King Abdullah Medical City in Kingdom of Bahrain, organized an awareness session for female employees and a group of women in Bahraini society entitled: Early screening…better protection.

This initiative came to reflects the Arab syndicate’s commitment to social responsibility and its direction to support our communities and in conjunction with the month of October, in which the World Health Organization celebrates breast cancer awareness within the “Think Pink” campaign to raise awareness among women in society, as breast cancer is by far one of the most common types of cancer among women in developed and developing countries of the world.


Dr. Farah Al Nuaimy, Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultant at the University Medical Center, discussed during the session the extent of the spread of cancer, means of preventing it, and the necessity of early detection for better protection.


At the conclusion of the seminar, the Syndicate was keen to provide an opportunity to conduct free Ultrasound examinations for all attendees, and then take a free consultation with the specialist doctor to check on the results of the examination.